Disassociate Artwork/Clipart


Just some stuff that was lying around the rehearsal space

 "Lunch" by Andrew Summers / Digital Manipulation by Splifford

Live in Reykjavik - "Dapeace" by Andrew Summers
Digital Manipulation by Splifford

disp5.t1.gif (32052 bytes)
"Just Say Fuck Off" by Anonymous

gun_white.gif (21251 bytes)
An old generic flyer

disp7.t1.TIF (258365 bytes)
An old Website flyer

dispoint2.gif (12432 bytes)
Another Flyer

dopedreamsdis.jpg (18714 bytes)
Idea for 7" record

sym2.bmp (278930 bytes)
Mockup of idea for Symbols, Signals and Noise

symbols.jpg (5769 bytes)
Final Symbol array

zombie_pot.bmp (499766 bytes)
Disassociate 2000 T -shirt design by Dave Y-Chromo-Boy Art Dept.

theboyz.gif (44890 bytes)
Fuckin' around in Japan in one of those
wacky photo booths - Matt, Scott, Ralphy, Jose from Corrupted